Magento 2 Compatibility
We offer two plugins:
- one plugin for Magento 2.2,
- one plugin from Magento 2.3 and above.
if your version is lower than the 2.2, an integration by plugin is possible for Magento 1.5 to 1.9 by following this link (in french).
if you have a Magento version under the 1.5, a manuel integration is necessary.
Installation of SPREAD on Magento 2
Plugin install
- Open the Zip file,
- Copy-paste the
folder to the root of your FTP,
- Run the following command lines one by one:
# Add the PHP good version to the path
# Check the correct configuration of the tasks
bin/magento module:enable Spread_Spreadtracker
bin/magento setup:upgrade
ulimit -S 65532
bin/magento setup:di:compile
# Copy-paste these last lines in one time
chown -R www-data:www-data . && \
find var vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc app/code -type f -exec chmod -R g+w {} \; && \
find var vendor pub/static pub/media app/etc app/code -type d -exec chmod -R g+w {} \; && \
chmod -R g+x bin/magento

, then go the web assistant Wizard

Module Manager
(Component Manager)
, you will find SPREAD

Activation and configuration of the plugin

menu has been added to your Magento navigation bar.System Configuration

This menu has 3 sections :
- Connect your store to SPREAD
You will find her the API key of your SPREAD BackOffice, tab > Param
Vous trouverez les clés API dans votre BackOffice SPREAD, onglet Paramétrage > Tracker in the bottom of the page
At this moment, Widget are enable on your website
- Set your administration options
To configure the reception of notification from SPREAD BackOffice.
- Configure your coupons limits
You can configured the dynamic
You can configure the dynamic feedback of discounted coupons by indicating:
- The lifespan of the coupons
- The maximum amount of coupons
- The maximum value of coupons (in percentage)
This configuration only concerns all the codes uploaded automatically.
Magento orders Statuts
Return now on SPREAD
menu, then click on Order Status management

Statuts connection
Cancel (0) : canceled orders
These orders are not taken into account in the turnover.
New (10) : status of orders for which payment has not yet been validated
These orders do not count in the turnover unless you configure it in the SPREAD BackOffice, "Paramétrage > Tracker > 3. Configurez le statut de commande"
Processing (20) : status of paid orders
Send (50) : status of orders shipped
Complete (100) : status of orders completed, with payment made and order delivered to the customer
Magento product attributes
the product attributes report the information present in the Catalogue > Attributes
tab of your Magento.